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baby, it's cold out there

The temperature is a whopping 2 degrees right now. It's gonna drop down to about -10 tonight, and rise to a high of 5 tomorrow. Yay for winter! LOL

I've gotten about 300 of thse mydoom e-mail viruses. I use Outlook Express - I deleted all the e-mails I got that have attachments once they landed in my inbox. as long as I don't open the attachment, I'm good, right? Having it download from my server into my inbox hasn't given me 300 copies of the virus, has it? I used to know/be sure of what I was talking about; tonight, I have to ask.

I LOVE TiVo. I've watched GH every day since I got it set up, since I don't have to worry about rewinding and retaping. GH sucks horrifically, but I am still 100% in love with Georgie and Dillon and will be forever and ever ever. ::nods emphatically::

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