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I have a weather pixie!! Ain't she the cutest? ::bounce::

I had a totally whacked out GH dream last night. I was, like, on the set, I guess as a guest. And they recast Lois, and she had a new husband now named Mark, and they had a little boy. So I started looking around for Brooklyn, only she didn't seem to have been cast. So I started asking the guy playing Mark why they hadn't cast Brooklyn, where she was, and then went to tell Ned that they all sucked. LOL

So, yeah, when I woke up, I decided that Brooklyn needs to be back on GH, as a 16 year old. Or so, give or take a year or two any direction. She needs to be all Lois-y, and witty and fun and I already inserted her into a number of storylines. Lois would have told her all about PC, they were her bedtime stories, and so she comes in knowing fun little tidbits about everyone, some they'd rather she not know. <.g>

This is what kept me sane all day, as I applied to grad schools. Again. All I need to do now is print one thing, address some envelopes, and mail them tomorrow. EEEEEP. And then I wait. Again.


They keep showing a hair commercial with Rena Sofer on it during GH a lot here, and so I've been thinking about her lately, too.
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