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Waiting, waiting, I know you'll come to me

I'm still hugely loving JC's album. A really lot. Eee! Everyone should buy. It's so eclectic and fun and sing alongy.

Bizarrely, Kate's blog has disappeared. Also, she gets no e-mail. But I'm having no problems anywhere here! All this after her blog decided it wanted her to post here instead. Very odd.

My friend knows people at one of the schools I applied to, and she's talking like it's a done deal that I'm in. This terrifies me. I hate tempting fate. But...does she know what she's talking about? eeeek!

So far, Joshy's test results are looking good. Cross your fingers!

edit: Holy fuck, what happened to my sidebar? LOL!
#2 - okay, I think it fixed itself. A link randomly decided to break and then fix itself? Bah to it. LOL

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