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grad school

Tornado warning in effect, so this may end abruptly!

I got a rejection letter from SXU this weekend. It was the one school I honestly thought I had a good chance of getting into. I know three of the staff members, two of which who are on the committee to choose students, and they wanted me. But it didn't happen, and if it didn't happen here, I don't think it can happen.

So, I need to reconsider all my options. As it stands now, I can think of being a teacher, librarian, journalist, or editor. Just, you know, thinking about what I enjoy doing and have at least some experience with. But I need to talk to people and find out options and it's really kinda scary except I'm okay with it.

Had an 8 hour nsync marathon with Jess last night (8pm to 3am) plus a few hours this morning. LOL! I'm a little nsynced out. But, oh, what glorious fun we had laughing hysterically! Mocking and adoring and mocking some more. <.g> I love those boys. So amusing and talented and sweet and funny and dorky. They make me smile.

I got rid of all my XFiles and Buffy videos and books. Sadness. But I have Xena Season 1 on DVD now!

Last week, my top drive didn't want to work. And last night, Real PLayer wouldn't. Now they both seem to be back? I don't know. I'm still worried.

Extreme House Makeover makes me cry a lot.

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