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the countdowns begin

I've been reading the GH threads at Television without Pity for about 2 hours now. LOL I love these people. There's a bit more Lorenzo love than I feel, but I guess he's getting better. But all the mocking! It's lovely. And all the discussions of GH-past. I love it. I miss my show. : ( It's just so crappy lately, with few exceptions. I adore Mary/Nikolas, and Georgie/Dillon. The amount of love I have for Dillon is just so very wrong. Except I don't care. <.g>

Interesting talk of spoilers. Someone random has been posting on a different board about a "reset" of the show this summer. No reason to take it seriously, and I don't know how much faith I have in the idiot writers even if there was, but boy does it make my mind work overtime. LOL

6 days until I see JC! And now I have a friend to see him with, so yay! I think we'll have lots of fun. Two shows, one at 6pm and one at 10:45, and then overnight at the HOB Hotel.

And! I saw RENT last week!!! Talk about unholy love. It was fantastic and wonderful and I want to see it again and again and again. I wasn't crazy about "What You Own" or "La Vie Boheme," which sucks because those are two of my favorite songs, but "Tango: Maureen" was even better than I heard (thanks to the fabulous actress playing Joanne), and "Light My Candle" and "One Song Glory" were wonderful. Good times.

Eleven days until Lead Awareness Day! I need a countdown here. <.g>

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