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3 hours and 6 minutes until PoA!!! Mom and I got midnight tickets for the new HP movie. Tres exciting.

The wedding was really quite lovely. Hopefully I can do a better recap, later, but anyway, Rachel is my cousin who's related to Tamara Braun - Carly. So Tam was there all weekend. She's so sweet! And so amazingly skinny. LOL Wow. But she was a lot of fun, chatty and bubbly and nice. We met up with her on Saturday night, and she bought me a drink, and then she was there helping us all get ready on Sunday for the wedding. She was supposed to do everyone's makeup, but Rachel was having a lot of nerves and jitters and problems, so that took up pretty much all of Tam's time. But Rachel looked absolutely gorgeous in the end, and didn't faint during the ceremony (we were all nervous <.g>), so we're calling it a rousing success. <.g> I didn't get any pictures with her (unless we're in some candids together, which is possible), but mom and Josh did. Sadly, dad didn't use a flash, so I'm still playing with the image.

Oh, and I also got hit on by her (extremely drunk) brother Eric. He seems like a nice guy, though. Told me that he and Tam had watched GH together when they were kids - it was the one show they never missed, because of Luke and Laura. Also heard a great deal on his theories of spiritual growth and the jewelry business. <.g>

Today was the last day of school. I'm so sad! I'm going to miss my wee little kidlets. They were so good, all of them, and I just loved them. I have off tomorrow, and then summer school starts on Monday. It's going to be a good job, I think. Monday-Thursday, 8:30-noon, 5 weeks, and I'm working with a darling little boy I've known for years. Sweet little kid.

I'm currently leaning towards becoming a librarian. I don't know, though. Need to plan.

3 hours and 3 minutes until Ron and Hermione!!! <.g>

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