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shake it, do it, give me what you got

I have new cable channels! I've had the Food Network on almost nonstop since it came. (I LOVE Alton Brown. He's so fun.) Except, of course, when watching Buffy from 3-5 or watching TiVo'd Xena eps. ::happy sigh:: This plus getting high speed internet tomorrow is almost like being back at school. Only louder. And no school work. LOL But most of the perks have now followed me home, so yay!

Saw Shrek 2 today with mom, Josh, and two sweet and cute med students. (8 freaking years, and not one has asked me out. Damn them!) Oh, my heavens, I laughed SO HARD. I didn't really like the first one, but this one was just fantastically clever. I enjoyed it so much.

I am so going to the mediawest*con next Memorial Day. I squeal about it daily, it seems. I keep this year's panel list next to me in my room, and the topics make me very very happy. I cannot WAIT!!!! And, ooh, if Biz and I can get Jennie to come with? Heaven. Heaven, I tell you.

What's not squealworthy is that Britney had knee surgery, canceled her tour due to rigorous PT work for the next 8-12 weeks, and therefore I get no Britney OR JC this summer. : ( JC's touring with Jessica Simpson now (announced today), but I have no interest in seeing her. Darn. Oh, well. I saw him twice in May, so that will have to be good enough.

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