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cold weather baby

It's August, I have the window open, and I'm wearing track pants, my beloved Titanic sweatshirt and woolen socks. I'm also reading "Christmas with Anne," a collection of LM Montgomery's Christmas stories. Thankfully, Christmas music is not yet in rotation. But dude! It's in the 50s. It will come.

Mailed off my deposit for grad school today. It was, uh, not my finest ten minutes. Oh, well, luckily did not run into anyone I knew on the way to the post office. And at Starbucks, the sweet guy smiled at me and told dad, hours later, what time he had seen me. That made me laugh.

I'm in love with Jamie Cullum's voice. I wish an nsyncer would put out a jazz album. And by nsyncer, I mean JC, who would rock it beautifully. Or Joey, who has the best voice. Or Chris, who put the most amazing spin on things. Maybe Lance, with the soothing bass. But mostly JC and Joey and Chris.

I found an nsync/Harry Potter crossover. Slytherin Lance, Ravenclaw Chris, Gryffindor JC and Justin, Hufflepuff Joey. Loved it.

I feel all cuddly. I need happy fic.

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