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long ass day

It's been such a long day! I got here at 9am (leaving my house just after 8) for two meetings, even though I don't have class until 6:30. Eeek! But anyway, it's been pretty productive - I figured out my part in a group presentation next week (which I'm actually quite looking forward to), ate lunch, read some of my book, went to another meeting where I got assigned to do research on speech for kids who are deaf and cochlears, which, of course, is basically all that I learned on the job last year. I have resources to hit, yay! So that's cool. Then back to the computer lab where I did an assignment not due until November - go ME! I'm all on top of things.

For now, anyway, until the next wave of panic comes crashing down on me. <.g> That will likely be tonight, when I'm beyond exhausted (not home until after 10pm) and feeling terrified about therapy tomorrow.

I still have three hours before class. I'm thinking I might go read the article that's due for Neuro next week. That should make me feel better tonight.

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