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2004 in review

Kate did a runthrough of her year, and I thought that might be a neat idea. It's weird- I feel like I'm in the exact same place as I was last year at this time, 1/1/04 feels like yesterday, but I'm really not. Hmm. Let's see.

*I was working on the exact same story I am this year (NYC!Lambs)
*I had a dream about BrookLynn on GH (which, dude, came true. Wild.)
*I drove in snow for the first time
*I wrote a story and vowed it would not be another 2 story year. (It was 3.)
*I accidentally went blonde.

*Josh was sick and went in for a LOT of endocrinological tests.
*Odd things happened to mine and Kate's blogs.
*Karey came to visit.
*JC's album came out!
*Tiff wrote a video concept that I still love.

*Josh subluxed his knee and came too close to needing more surgery.
*More odd things happened on our blogs - turns out Kate and I had used up all the space on our domain.
*I was rejected by 4 grad schools.
*I visited Jennie in Texas!!

*Dad had a small stroke.
*I saw RENT with my friend's mom.

*I celebrated my 23rd Lead Awareness Day.
*I saw JC in conert!!
*My cousin got married and I was bridesmaid.
*I was officially rejected by all 6 grad schools.
*Cheered myself up with *NSYNC marathon and many viewings of JC's video for ADIDAS.

*We got cable internet!!
*Mom and I saw PoA at midnight, the first showing.
*Finished my *NSYNC Bear collection and had a facial and pedicure at a marathon mall outing.
*Moved out of my bedroom into the guest room to recarpet/paint. (Still not back.)

*Spent Fourth of July at neat resort with my family.
*Got hired to work with my girl again.
*Went to another spa for my first massage, and a manicure. Liked the manicure best.
*Saw Hilary Duff in concert.
*Accidentally outed myself as a slasher to my mom, who was more interested in Harry/Ron than horrified.

*Got accepted to speech grad school, horrifying me, thrilling my mom and throwing my entire life into turmoil. Yay!
*Quit my job and decided to try grad school.
*Ate delicious venison at $100+ dinner.

*Mired in self-doubt while in speech.
*Josh was diagnosed with a kidney stone.
*Escaped into Queer as Folk.
*Escaped into The Sims 2.
*Went out to dinner with just my parents for the first time in 15 years.

*Left grad school.
*Became focused on The Gilmore Girls.
*Dad got second degree burns on his knees.
*Got hired for a job in an autism class.
*Quit the job after 3 days.
*Did a presentation at a national conference.
*Stayed in a hotel suite with a big fireplace and slept in a king sized canopy bed.

*Was offered 2 jobs, one of which I accepted. (preschool vs. bookstore)
*Felt very wintery and made two wallpapers.
*Josh turned 16. Eeep!

*Accepted and began a morning ECE job.
*Wrote 2 stories (1 *NSYNC, 1 Remember WENN)

And thus with my year. Fraught with medical emergencies and a lot of change. Funny how I don't feel changed, though.

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