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I deleted all of the 2000 spam trackbacks, and 10,000 of the 29,000 spam comments. Whew. This'll take a while to get perfect. LOL

I love summertime, but this 10 weeks of no paychecks thing is murder. I've been super good and not spent any money from my checking account the last 3 weeks except for the Sims2 Nightlife game, a planned purchase. I turn in my first timesheet tomorrow, so I'm only 2 weeks from getting paid again. It's a paltry amount, but will double my bank account, I believe. I'm very excited. I miss buying things. I have such a yen to go to Old Navy and the Gap. And Sephora! OMG and Aerosoles...I NEED NEW SHOES. In the way that I desperately want new shoes and don't need them at all. I want to buy things!!! Ack. Maybe I can hit Old Navy this weekend, I know I have $50 of gift cards. Actually, I bet Gap would take them, too, since it's the same company. Hmmm.

I was debating how to handle Lost vs. Veronica Mars premiere's this week. Then I realized that Veronica starts next week and CBS is showing Grave Danger, CSI's finale, tonight. Bye Bye Lost. No competition here. I can't wait to see it again. I saw it in May, but didn't remember the characters as much as I should have. Then I lost it in TiVo accident #3 and while I saw bits of it on my computer, it lacks the punch of TV. Eeeeeee, sad scary Nicky!in!A!Box!

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