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My computer is dead. It sparked a great big light yesterday afternoon and cooked. Like major melting smell. And won't turn on.

I called Geek Squad. They said bring it in.
I brought it in. They said call geek squad. They don't do power sources.
I called Geek Squad. They don't do power sources.
Fuck that, I said, you DID do my power source and it broke and I want it fixed!
So we tracked down my agent, they gave me his store's number, and I called them.
Agent is on vacation, how does Oct 5 sound?

Argh! The only helpful person was the agent at the last store. Everyone else tried to deny that they could do anything. They don't do power sources in store, they don't do them in house, what, do I need to meet them at the park? Bah. Let's not even get into the fist store agent telling me that he didn't know if my harddrive was okay. ACK! KC suggested getting it backed up by them, and I may bring it in to see if they can. After all, I have until Oct. 5.

Thank God for Winnie. I spent a lot of last night and some this afternoon getting her all set up. I finally have OE running, complete with folders, rules and address book. It's not everything, but I'll get better ideas of what I forgor when e-mails come in looking for a place to go. I have most of my pictures and all of my stories over here already, and a good number of common favorite sites. So, now I wait. And wait and wait and wait. LOL

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