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NaNo NaNo

My desktop is fixed! YAY! Geek Squad came out yesterday, swapped power sources, apologized and went on his merry way. Bliss.

I am so into Veronica Mars this season. I downloaded the theme song...kickass.

I love my job. I love it with the power of 1000 burning suns. Yay jobs that let me get paid for reading and playing with computers! It's bliss.

Given that this job is so quiet at night, I think I'm going to join NaNoWriMo. I've always kind of wanted to do it. So this weekend I'll finish up (and, uh, start) my HP fic due Monday and then start plotting out My Very First Crappy Novel. Whoo!

Apparently I'm in a cheerful mood. It must also be the Wiggles song I downloaded and am listening to. Hot potato!

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