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tra la la

Last night's Astros game was *heartbreaking.* Gah, to lose the lead in the top of the 9th, 1 out from the World Series. Ouch.

I finally got the VMars S1 DVDs this weekend and OMG I am so addicited. It's brilliant. Just a bitch to come in mid season, like I tried. I'm loving S2, though, and S1 is a delight, so it's all good now. All hail TV on DVD.

I still enjoy my library job, even if I did have to search dumpsters last night. Argh.

I'm sitting with C tonight, so I'm bringing along my VMars and watching some after she's asleep. It should, I hope, keep me awake when I am very very tired. One of these nights, I need to turn off the damn computer and get a good night's sleep.

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