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Damn, I love West Wing.

Damn, I love West Wing. LOL I have to rewatch it though, as I spent all of it telling Gen who everyone was and explaining to her and Kate what was happening. LOL I did catch Josh and Donna, though. "We need to practice tough love!" "Well, not in front of everyone, but if you want to go home and get your equipment..." "Go away from me now." <.g> I loved how he leaned in so close for his line. They're so damn cute, ya know?

Kate and I are going to see Bridget Jones on Friday night! I'm trying to drag Damien with. <.g> I hope he comes - it would be so much fun.

What's not fun is my Hearing test tomorrow that I haven't really totally studied for. As always, his review sessions are 10 times better than his classes, so I did pick up a lot, but I don't know if it'll be enough. There's no MATH on this test! I need the math. I want the math. Why can't there be math? I better go learn some concepts.

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