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GAH in a huge and

GAH in a huge and cranky way. Since I was up until 1 on Tuesday, I went to bed at 11 last night. I was super tired, and kinda swaying on my feet by that time. LOL So I curled up and went to sleep. Next thing I know, it's 12:30 and the fire alarm is going off. Except, apparently, I was quite slow to wake up since I was so tired. I was one of the last people out, and definitely the last one on my floor. I don't like that! I'm usually the first person up. But last year, I remember my RA up and rapping on doors, calling out, "Fire alarm!" Immediately. Utopia hasn't been around for any of them this year. So we finally got back in 20 minutes later, I go back to bed and now it's 7:30 and I want more sleep!!! But SAC is actually going to be GOOD today - guest lecturer who will be doing a performance of sorts of his poetry and stuff. I'm really looking forward to it. And this afternoon is my hearing test. I studied last night for a few hours, and I can only hope for the best. But the worst thing is that they seem to have attempted to turn off the heat once again, so I'm totally shivering here. Urgh. Now I get to take a shower and totally freeze to death. Yay!

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