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I need to go on

I need to go on a deleting rampage soon! Or maybe buy a new zip disk or two. I've been on a downloading/copying streak lately. <.g> Today alone, I copied 7 songs from Jen's CDs onto my computer. <.g> Several from Footloose, and two Sheryl Crow songs - "I Shall Believe" was on GH this week, and it was so beautiful. So I copied it. LOL I've been looking for Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" but I can't find it. <.pout> But yeah, I've downloaded many many megabytes in the last two days. And considering that I have about 33 MB of XF pictures and 40 MB of Buffy stuff, for example, things need to be moved. <.g>

I've been quiet the last few days - just realized that. I've been sooooo busy, and now that I have free time, I'm floundering. LOL Actually, I'm almost done with the last part of my Harry Potter story, so I'm finishing that up. But that has a sad ending, and it's not helping my sadness. I had several things to blog yesterday, but they were all sad, and I didn't want to post anything that Kristine would see, because I didn't want her to be sad on her birthday. Could I possibly get any more conjunctions into that sentence? <.g> I'll probably talk about most of those later tonight and tomorrow, 'cause right now, I have a story to finish. <.giggle>

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