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I am such an idiot,

I am such an idiot, you know that? I was early to SAC, so I was rereading Bridget Jones's Diary. This really cute guy, Levi, walked in. We've been in the same group for most of the semester, and I've kinda had a crush on him. He's a sweetie. So he walks in, comes up the aisle on my right, and then bends over and stretches his head around in front of my desk. I'm really confused, and look behind me to see what the hell he was looking at. <.g> Turns out he was looking at the book. We had a <.v.> brief conversation about the book and movie (basically was him asking me if I'd seen the movie, I explained that I was going to see it tonight), and that was it! I'm so stupid, I should have totally continued that conversation. I was still marveling that he had actually voluntarily spoken to me, though. <.g> Lost the moment. <.sigh> And this was our last discussion class. So, yes, I'm an idiot.

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