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Okay, help me pick an

Okay, help me pick an outfit for tonight. <.g> It's not a date, obviously, but I always try to look nicer in an effort to scream at Damien, "What the hell are you waiting for?!" LOL I'm at the point where I'm wondering if he's gay or if he thinks I am, 'cause we're getting nowhere fast. <.g>

I'm stuck with jeans tonight, it would seem, since it'll only be about 50 when the movie gets out. Grrr. So we have these options:
1. purple sweater set
2. black tank top with black lace shirt over it
3. short sleeved green mock turtleneck
4. keds
5. black platform sandals

Do we have any preferences?<.g> I was wearing the purple this morning, and I love it. But now I put on the black and I've always liked this one, too. LOL Many years ago, there was a promo shot of Kendall and Anton (Buffy and Dracula <.g>) from AMC, and she was wearing a white lace top just like this one, which is why I ended up buying this. <.g> I wish I could wear my shorts or a skirt, but it won't be warm enough for that until tomorrow. <.pout>

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