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I've been feeling out of

I've been feeling out of sorts today. I don't know why - I'm cranky, sad, bitchy, whiny, and not PMSing. <.g> I put away War Letters and my HP story for a few days, since maybe that's contributing. ER totally didn't help though - I spent the entire hour biting my knuckles with a racing heart. Talk about gripping drama! Damn. It was just incredible. As was Friends - I knew things weren't as they seemed, but didn't guess what happened. I'll actually talk about that tomorrow (even though every time I say that, I don't) so as to not spoil west coast fans who should NOT miss this. I'm glad I taped ER for Kerry's scenes, which once again I didn't get to pay attention to because Dad was watching. Grrrrr. I'd be so excited if Elizabeth Mitchell gets to be a regular next season!

Oooh, Bradley Whitford is on my welcome screen tonight. I've entered many times to win a trip to the set and lunch with a star - every day, I get Dani to also register me. LOL The beauty of 3 AOL names. <.g>

Maybe I should work on my Tara/Scully story. That's a happy fun story, unlike everything else I'm writing now. I could go for happy right now. I haven't felt like this in awhile.

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