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UPN got Roswell!!!!! - Monday

UPN got Roswell!!!!!

- Monday kicks off with ``The Hughleys'' at 8 p.m., followed by ``One on One.'' The 9 p.m. block remains the same, with ``The Parkers'' leading into ``Girlfriends.''

- Tuesday: ``Buffy the Vampire Slayer'' keeps its Tuesdays at 8 p.m. time slot, followed by ``Roswell'' at 9 p.m.

- Wednesday: Newcomer ``Star Trek: Enterprise'' takes the 8 p.m. slot, an hour
earlier than where predecessor ``Star Trek: Voyager'' had resided. Midseason sci-fi
hour ``Special Unit 2'' airs at 9 p.m.

- Thursday: `WWF Smackdown!'' body slams its way onto Thursdays for a third year.

- Friday: After having tried (and failed) to capitalize on ``Smackdown!'' by airing series on Friday, UPN brings back its Friday night movie.

Among midseason contenders, ``The Dead Zone,'' starring Anthony Michael
Hall and Nicole deBoer (I added this as I know Nicole is in the series as well!), is expected to make the cut. Series not returning include 7 Days,''``All Souls,'' ``Celebrity Deathmatch,'' ``Chains of Love,'' ``Freedom,''``Gary & Mike'' and ``Level 9.''

Now I just have to find out when my stupid UPN-on-WB will air it.

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