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My tapes are organized! I

My tapes are organized! I got rid of a huge amount. Now everything is separated into stacks and labeled - GH, Dawson/Silk Stalkings/Other, new movies, classic movies, WENN, XF, and Buffy. WENN is by far the biggest, since every episode is on its own tape. LOL I know I have the seasons consolidated on to 5 tapes somewhere, so I need to find those and get rid of all of these. Then I'll have an opening in there for West Wing, and a lot of room to grow. LOL Next biggest is XF, which is almost as big as WENN, but each tape is full of only XF stuff. Amazing! LOL I also managed to find my copy of Buffy's finale last year, Restless. Now I can copy it for Jennie!!

So now that the tapes in my entertainment center are done, time to tackle my shelves. There are way less up there, though, so it should be pretty easy to get rid of some and organize the rest. Very cool stuff.

Now if there was only a way to do the same for my books. I just don't have room for any more! Each shelf has two rows, and then books are stacked and piled on top of those. I can't wait to get my own place where I can have bookshelves everywhere!

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