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Woo-hoo!! Laura Smith, of Buffy

Woo-hoo!! Laura Smith, of Buffy and Dawson fic writing fame, has a journal!! It's about her stories, inspirations, meanings, etc. I'm very excited. <.g>

Also, I can't wait for tomorrow's AMC! I am so excited about Robin and Anna. Today's flashback was amazing - I remember that!!! That was my favorite scene for years - I was so sad to learn that soaps don't repeat, because I always, always wanted to rewatch it. Now I have it on tape. <.giggle> I must have been, gosh, five or six? Somewhere around there. Great scene. I'm so glad Kim had the role all these years so they could do flashbacks.

I'm watching Now and Then on CBS. I keep meaning to buy the soundtrack - I love the music. Love the movie, too. The commericals billed Brenden Fraser first, but I still haven't seen him in here at all. LOL Oooh, end's coming now, and I love that part. I'm a sucker for any book or movie that gives us a story and then tells what happens to the characters. <.g>

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