Oh, my God, oh, my
Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God. OH MY GOD! X-Files. ::weeps:: Oh my God. I shrieked. Loudly, but I tried to muffle it in my hands. Didn't do such a good job, but OH MY GOD! Blessings on thee, Chris Carter.
Via Kristine, I found the true story about Kaycee. Kinda stunned me for awhile. But it didn't surprise me. From the frist day I read her blog, something felt off. Things weren't exactly right, she was a little too perfect. I told myself that I was being silly, I had to work on my trust issues. So I trusted, and I kept along with her story. And it was just that - a story. It doesn't change anything for me. Of the hundreds of people I have met online, I have only met Kristine in person. As well as I know (or think I know) people, there's always some degree of unrealness. Kaycee had a definite impact on my life, and that won't change by realizing she was a fictional character. I'm a reader. This isn't the first time a character in a story touched my life. It's the first time I thought a character was a real person and wasn't, yes, but it doesn't change what I learned from her.
Take each day one at a time. Live life to the fullest, show love to everyone you can. Look inside yourself and you'll find strength.
Don't stay upset that Kaycee isn't real. Real or not, she affected all of us, and that's what needs to be kept in mind. Remember what she brought to our lives, and pass that on.
Now that I've reread my post, I do believe it's time for bed. Got a wee bit maudlin and overbearing right about there. <.g> Probably only I could manage to do both.
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