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Okay, all bets are off,

Okay, all bets are off, spoiler space no more. X-FILES!!!! All these years that I have been a fan have paid off in a beautiful way. I still can't believe it. I watch that scene often. Scully naming him William after Mulder's father. Although instead of that long pause while they stared meaningfully into each other's eyes, I would have preferred him to say, "And your father," and let her respond, "And you," and they'd even have had a few seconds of staring before Mulder grinned and went into his, "Well, he has your hair and coloring, but I think he looks suspiciously like AD Walter Skinner." <.giggle> That would have really cemented the moment for me. But they KISSED!!!!!!! For seriously like 45 seconds. With good lighting so we have screenshots, unlike the kiss from Triangle. William Mulder. ::happy sigh:: What a fanfic-y name. I don't even care. They have a baby TOGETHER. Next season, we won't see it, but they'll be raising their son TOGETHER. Chris Carter is such a wonderful man. I don't care that 75% of the episode bored me and I read through it. He made up for it and then some with that last scene. What a wonderful way to end the season, with that kiss. Fans who watch only for M&S and don't plan to watch S9 have full and complete emotional closure, in the best way possible. Mulder and Scully are a couple. Oh frabjous day!

Now to read the 95 messages that are waiting for me in my Scullyfic folder.

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