Woo-hoo!!!! Meg wrote a XF-WW
Woo-hoo!!!! Meg wrote a XF-WW crossover story called Dead Tape. Mulder and Scully visit Pres. Bartlet because Mulder's having some problems becoming legally alive after being legally dead. <.g> It's laugh-out-loud funny in places, and teary-eyed sweet in others. Characterization is spot on, and oh, I love this story!
So I have three more eps on the season 2 tape, only one of which I haven't seen yet. So I'll watch that one today, and be done! <.g> Buffy and Angel rocked last night. I missed about 20 minutes of Buffy because Erin called - she's the one person I'll miss Buffy for. LOL I love talking with her. : ) But Angel kicked ass - I loved seeing Wes and Angel poking at each other, and Angel was so cute and gleeful. <.giggle> Oh, and Wes has handcuffs. LOL Love it. <.g>
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