Wow. Okay, I talked with
Wow. Okay, I talked with my mom a lot today. (She's really excited I love West Wing. <.g>) Anyway, she was talking to her friend Carol, who works at the SLP clinic where I'm going to be working this summer. They're doing this morning summer camp for kids with special needs and their sibs, and it combines speech and occupational therapy with camp stuff. So mom asked Carol if her son Bretty would be going to Janet's camp, and Carol was like, "Well, yeah. Only around here, we call it Janet and Rina's camp." Somewhere between my calling Janet and saying, "I heard you're looking for staff" and now, I got promoted into RUNNING THE DAMN CAMP! It's my freaking camp! I don't know anything about camps. I never even went to a camp. ::whimper:: Everyone's like, "Oh, it's going to look so good on your resume," and mom adds, "You know Janet's gonna offer you a job after you graduate. This is practice. It'll look good." Which is all well and good, but I think it would look better IF I KNEW WHAT THE HELL I WAS DOING! Which I don't!
I'm a little nervous.
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