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Woo-hoo! We're getting yummy Mexican

Woo-hoo! We're getting yummy Mexican food tonight. I *love queso fundido. I'm quite sure I spelled that wrong. LOL My best friend from elementary school, Griselda, her family owned a restaurant called De Colores. Probably spelled that wrong, too, I'm German girl. LOL Anyway, we obviously went there very often, because they have the best food EVER and because it was Gris's family. One day when I was about 8, we were ordering there and her mom included an order of it because she thought I would like it. Boy, do I ever. LOL I haven't found a restaurant yet that could make it so well, but it's a little too far to drive to now. When we lived in Chicago, it was about 4 blocks down the street, but then we moved and then they moved. <.g> But this place in La Grange is one of the best we've found since.

I really don't want to pack. LOL It's somewhat lumped together, though. I'll dump my shelves into one tub, my closet into another, drawers into a third, and leave the fourth for misc stuff. But I should really do my dishes now. LOL

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