Wow, this feels so very
Wow, this feels so very early! LOL But the sun is shining. And somehow, Dore got my r@ address, so I have woken up to several Angel birthday wishes. Both are very nice things. <.g>
Okay, I wrote the above before my final, at 6:35 am. <.g> Maybe now blogger is happier. Anyway, I don't think I failed the final. Most definitely didn't get a C+, unless my gut responses helped me more than I thought. LOL As we were walking back, Lauren stopped suddenly. And seeing as how we were crossing a street, this is bad. <.g> Anyway, she was like, "Oh, my GOD! I just realized you're twenty! You're not a teenager anymore! You're so old! I'm going to be twenty soon. I don't have any more excuses!" LOL
Then I got back to my dorm, and Jen had my presents waiting for me - Harry Potter pencil case and address book! <.g> She said she looked for West Wing stuff, but couldn't find any. <.giggle> I'm really excited about the pencil case - I kinda have this huge collection of pens lying around everywhere. LOL She also sent me a HP card - Hermione dreaming of Ron! LOL Then she sent me a "whippersnapper" card with an ancient rooster rollerblading down the street. <.giggle>
Now I must pack, because my Daddy will be here in a few hours to get me, and I don't really have a lot packed. <.g>
But hey - I'm in my *twenties* now!
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