West Wing is on! It's
West Wing is on! It's one of my top five eps, Someone's Going to Emergency, Someone's Going to Jail. I'll be singing that song all week now. LOL Where oh where is my Jennie girl?! You would have loved this episode! CJ and the cartographers for social equality! Toby wants to make out with CJ! Josh touches CJ, Josh notices Sam's new shirt, Donna get a number of scenes with someone not Josh, Josh and Donna take Sam out to get drunk and then put him to bed! It's a fabulous, incredible episode in all ways.
Mom ended up paging me several times at work today. One was at the end of GH - I knew that Amber was leaving GH, but I had no idea Emily was dying! They couldn't freaking wait until AFTER the Nurses' Ball? If we only get one skit this year, I'll be pissed. I love the dances and stuff - the highlight of my viewing year. <.g> But seriously, soaps generally don't kill off teens during the summer. Esp when they only have 5 others, and they're all in their twenties and/or getting married. Doesn't really attract the teen viewers, I don't think.
Camp was okay. I just don't like the big kids as much. Janie and I agree that it went much better without Kim (who has a masters in seconday ed - we think she only got this job because her mother in law works there. She just doesn't know how to work with or relate to kids), but it was still something of a problem. When it was just us, after Janet and Hilda had to leave, the kids really didn't want to listen at *all. It was quite discouraging, to be honest. I wish we had the little ones 3 times a week. It's just that we're so unorganized, and the parents are paying out the nose for this! $90/week for the older kids, and $60/week for the little ones. It's just not worth that.
Then after work we had a meeting for Zippity Zoo Day volunteers. One of these days when I can stay awake, I'll have to share details about what that is. It's really, really awesome. Short version is that it's a day at the zoo for AAC users and their families, that my mom runs with two other people, co-sponsored by DynaVox Systems, which makes the DynaVox, DynaMyte, and DynaMo devices. It was fun, actually; we met at Pizza Hut and munched a lot. <.g>
Time to watch GH, I guess! : )
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