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Happy fourth of July, everyone!

Happy fourth of July, everyone! Hope you all had a fun, relaxing day. : ) Me, I watched Godfather 1 and 2 with my mom. LOL My first time, her sixty-somethingth. <.g> She loves those movies. I thought they were quite good, esp 2, but not quite my favorite. Too much death. <.g> I felt so bad for Fredo!

Blah for work tomorrow. I didn't go on Tuesday - called in sick. I'm gonna have like NO money this pay period. LOL Oh, well, I cleaned my room and now it doesn't make me claustrophobic anymore - I hate having things on my floor! But I sadly have to go tomorrow. We have a summer camp meeting.

I'm so very very very excited - after all these years, I'm doing what I've always wanted to do - subscribe to a full season of plays at our local theater!!!! $77 for seven shows, October through May. They all sound so fabulous. The first is set in 1939 Atlanta, from the guy who wrote "Driving Miss Daisy," and another one I'm dying to see is called "Lily." It's the story of Edith Wharton writing "House of Mirth" and Lily becomes a real person who teaches her to change her life. I can't wait until April!! I've seriously wanted to subscribe since we moved here ten years ago, but I just never did. And now I am!!

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