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Hee hee. Krissy is blaming

Hee hee. Krissy is blaming me for playing with manipulated pictures. I say, bring it on! Blame me if it makes you make more. <.g>

I read the list of "ten things you can do right now" that she has linked from that above post, and she's right - I totally felt like Molly! And every other character in WW2 homefront books that I've read, which, believe me, is a lot. LOL Part of what makes the homefront so interesting to me has always been the way Americans banded together, stuck together, loved their country, everything I never really felt. I mean, sure, I was American and I was glad of that. But never before have I felt this patriotic love for my country. I like it. I wish it didn't come out just in wars.

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