Oh, man, I want Dan
Oh, man, I want Dan Rydell right now. I want a Dan Rydell. I fell so in love with his character in today's episode! He spent the whole time trying to get Rebecca to watch a baseball game with him. That's it. And at the end, he was telling her how he would tear down the wall she built around herself after her divorce, and he was in that for the long haul, and would stay no matter how long it took him to do it. She replied that she had booked a suite at a hotel, where a bottle of wine was chilling, waiting for them. He said that would speed things up considerably. <.g> But then she told him to bring the tape of the ballgame, and the smile on his face was AMAZING! He was so happy! And he walked out with her, and put his arm around her, and was just totally smiling. I'm not seeing how Sloop John B was appropriate music to be playing in the background (Drinking all night, got into a fight, I feel so broke up, I wanna go home; this is the worst trip I've ever been on, I wanna go home), although it does fit Jeremy's storyline. But not Dan's. Oh, well. Guess it's foreshadowing. I kinda like ending the episodes with fun music - last week they used Crimson and Clover. LOL
Okay, must study now.
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