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Well, the test is over.

Well, the test is over. <.shrug> That's about as much as can be said about it. Lauren and I crammed for the hour beforehand, and I knew most of her note cards. So I think I may have reached our goal of 65%. LOL I knew a lot, but i don't know how much. Oh, well. Now I have another 2-3 pages to write in my exam essay due tomorrow. BLAH! I should have worked on it last night, but you all saw the condition I was in. LOL I still don't know why - no sugar, no alcohol, no stimulants of any kind! LOL Just a natural high. I think Kate and I were egging each other on. LOL We ended up staying awake past 1am. It was fun, but not very productive for either of us. <.giggle>

Okay, God help me, I have TRL on while I clean my room. I'm sure that Gone will premiere at #1 today, but I don't want to miss it. <.g> it's a good song!! I love how it kinda sounds silent movie-ish. <.g> And Lance looks way hot in the video - he lost weight and gained muscles! Which is a bad thing, because previously I weighed less than him. Now I'm not so sure. LOL

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