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Again, I love seeing how

Again, I love seeing how people find me. <.giggle> Cartographer's for social equality, "rena sofer" picture, sexy images of Alexis Denisof, Malucci sick slash, story of buffy and spike's love in season 5 to 6, Sirius Harry slash, bsc kristy thomas, Scully/Spike, hermione/ginny slash, bridget jones's diary fanfiction. Cartographers for Social Equality is always a big one, as is slash of any kind. BJD fic might be interesting. <.g>Think I'll have to check them out. But now now - very much time for bed now!

This is the first day I'm hungry at bed. I've been drastically reducing my calories - under 1000 for the last 6 days except Wed when I hit 1450 - but in an okay way. Like, still eating all meals but healthier and smaller, and drinking mostly only water. I'm already noticing small differences. But today I didn't do so good - I was supposed to have dinner and only had hot chocolate. Ooops! So I'm going on ravioli and popcorn for a total of 667 calories, and that's not so good. I want a dinner, but it's too way late. Hope this doesn't throw off my breakfast...

Hey! How'd it get to be midnight?! ACK!

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