Ugh. Crappy day. I did
Ugh. Crappy day. I did get a B on my Stats test, though, so YAY!!!! Didn't get my Audiology test back yet, thank goodness, because class was canceled again. We're a bit worried about Dr. Gooler, since it's not like him to miss two classes in a row, but we're glad we have a testful reprieve. <.g> Then I got my period during the two hour break between classes, and had to leave half way through Physiology, at the 5 minute break. Came back, collapsed into bed, and stayed there for two hours. I still feel very blah, but I must get at least some of my EPS done. If I can at least outline/know what I want to say before Angel tonight, I can write it tomorrow when I'm human again.
So, goal. Must move. Tylenol time?
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