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At 8:30, I turned on

At 8:30, I turned on NBC to see if Katie was interviewing Dan Radcliffe yet. I saw a lovely sunrise shot of Queens, NY and assumed that they were showing us a shot of New York as they headed into a new segment. So I turned it off, got my tape ready for today. I turned it back on 15 minutes later to see if he was on yet, and saw the same picture of Queens. This time I noticed the smoke. My stomach dropped when I saw "all New York airports closed" written beneath it. All I could think was, "Oh, God, not again." That's not supposed to be my first thought. All these people died, the crash was in a residential area near people that I know...these are horrific things on their own. I should be upset for them. I shouldn't be terrified that people are trying to hurt my country again, that there's an even greater bad thing happening than the loss of these people.

New York City has been closed down once again, just like it was two months ago yesterday. I have to go check on my New York friends...Lydia has been very nervous about everything since the attacks, and she lives on Long Island. She must be hysterical by now.

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