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I'm so TIRED!!!! ARGH! I'd

I'm so TIRED!!!! ARGH! I'd give anything to go to bed now. I pretty much finished the essay - I can finish it as I type it up on Wednesday afternoon. I did some studying, plus Lauren is coming over tomorrow night to study with me. That'll do us both a world of good.

Tomorrow morning, I'm going to work out again. Despite the fact that I've been in pain for about two hours now. <.g> That was obnoxious, it just springing up on me! But after that's done, I'll work some more on FAFSA and take a shower. Go to EPS, come back and call the law firm and where I think Aunt Chrisane works. Go to lab, come back and copy my stats notes from the web. Go to Lang Dev, come back and study for 375 alone and then with Lauren. Go to bed at a decent hour, wake up and start all over again.

I just have to get through this week - I only have one test to study for next week. I can do this. Really.

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