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Well, I studied some. Writing

Well, I studied some. Writing EPS now, although you can't really tell that. Hopefully I'll be done with this by 8, and can do FAFSA during Angel. I didn't call the law firm, so I'll do that after EPS tomorrow morning at 11, plus I'll try and call Aunt Chrisane to see if her department here needs a new employee.

Oh, but I love very nice people who uploaded all 11 songs from tomorrow's Buffy. <.g> Amazing. James Marsters has the most amazingly sexy voice I've ever heard - blows Lance out of the water. LOL Amber Benson has an amazing voice, and her duet with Tony Head is incredible. Nick Brendon isn't very good, but that's okay, because his and Emma Caulfield's song is still sweet and happy. Very 1930s - can't wait to see them dancing! So out of the 68 minute episode, I'm only missing the 13 minutes of dialogue. Sweet. <.g>

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