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So I called the law

So I called the law firm about the receptionist job. They sound pretty nice. Of course, I should have asked how many hours a week they wanted and could I work weekends, because those are questions I want to know before I make the long haul out there. Not that I know if it's a long haul, but it took me 20 minutes to find a bus line that seems to run by them. I located them and me on a map, and it doesn't look very far. Well, yeah, okay, it kinda does. Wish I had a license. But she said there was a bus stop right across the street from them, and I think the 2 Red line will get me one block away. There's one that seems to go right in front of them, but I'm not sure how to connect to it. Best to take one where I don't have to make transfers. LOL

I also called financial aid and it's not too late to fill out a FAFSA. So I'm going to head over there at 1, after dropping off Meghan's notes at her place. Then I'll be doing pretty damn well on my to do list. Time to fine the cable company's number.

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