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So the happy cake turned

So the happy cake turned out a little bit too moist. <.g> I think there was too much pudding...I was cutting three slices to bring for Lauren, Meghan and Jill today, and they were totally falling apart. And then in the realm of possibly not too smart, I licked the knife and ate the bits that had fallen off. There was quite a bit. It's very schnappsy. LOL And I haven't eaten breakfast yet.

You know, I really don't like the women on Sports Night too much. I don't think Aaron writes well for women. CJ kicks ass on West Wing, and Donna is great, but Donna kinda wavers between intelligent and not, and CJ sometimes gets ignored. Which may be a common thing in a male-centered thing like the west wing, but I don't generally like it.

I was up until 2:30 this morning. Eeek! Went to bed shortly after that post, but stayed up to finish A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks. It was excellent...I think I'm going to get my mom a copy for Christmas. I think she would love it.

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