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Reading Kate's dream reminded me

Reading Kate's dream reminded me about my own...I've been having bizarre ones lately! Some centered around Lance and JC. LOL But last night's was really odd. I lived on the third floor of an apartment building in Jim and Carol's neighborhood with Jen, my roommate from last year. It was the top level, and the roof was ours, too. So I'm going down the street, heading home, but I'm in ice skates. Bear in mind that there's no ice anywhere. <.g> So I'm going along, and I see this really cute guy getting out of a car ahead of me. I stumbled, and somehow managed to slice my arm open with the skate blade. He sees, and starts to walk away. He turns back a few times, until finally he comes back and asks me if I need help. So he helps me upstairs, with my arm gaping open, and we run into Jen. I'm laughing about the fact that I'm in ice skates, since I haven't skated in years and didn't really even like it then. Which wasn't true, I was just talking for attention because Jen and the cute guy were hitting it off. LOL Then mom and Josh, who lived on the second floor with dad, came up and brought Lance and Kate. And so Lance and I were talking, as mom was freaking out about my arm. And then Lance and I were alone on our roof patio, with all the palm trees, and I woke up. <.g> My mind works in such bizarre ways. LOL

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