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Oh, boy. Mom had her

Oh, boy. <.sigh> Mom had her first mammogram last week. A little late, yes, as she's 43. But not too bad. It went super fast...I went with her, and we were home in 30 minutes. But they warned her that since it was her baseline, they'd most likely call her back for more shots, just because it was the first time. Fine. They did call, and she went in today. They said it would be a little longer, and we figured that meant she'd get home at about 3:30, after a 2:45 appointment. She got back at 4:30. We were pretty nervous by then. She called from the car on her way home...she had been SO nervous about the callback. I mean, really nervous. And then what does she tell us? They found three...things. Cysts, tumors, who knows. She has to have ultrasounds next, and then biopsies. I mean, chances are they're just three fluid filled cysts, which would be good. She's just freaking that there are three of them, and not just one. It's hard for her. Her best friend was diagnosed with breast cancer in September, and mom takes her to chemo. So of course the worst is totally on her mind. Plus, Po got some blood test results back, and it seems the cancer spread to his lungs. He had a CAT scan yesterday, we're waiting for the results. So how can her mind not be in the worst place? There's cancer abounding right now. It's a very scary thing. But I'm sure it's going to be fine. Right? Right.

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