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You know, there's a large

You know, there's a large amount of sleeping involved on Buffy...at least the ones that start at 6am. <.giggle> Riley just covered Dawn with his jacket as she slept. Not fair! Although I'm kinda feeling more awake now. And substantially calmer than I was during the last post. <.g> Luckily Gen came back right about when I posted that, and we talked for over an hour. Poor thing, it was her night off, too, but I had to talk to someone! She helped a lot. I went back to studying and realized that I knew more than I thought I had, and a lot more seemed familiar. Plus I learned a few diseases, and I think I got the tymps straight. So, 100 multiple choice questions? I can do it. I'll just study a bit more this morning as I go, and everything will be fine.

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