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Okay. I'm experimenting with this movable type thingamajigger. Rina's letting me play with her blog. This is Kate, by the way. I guess this isn't as scary as it actually had seemed to me... maybe I will be switching over from Blogger.

Whee! What fun! Just looking to see if you're going to click on this. Look at that. You did. Lol.


Tee hee, you are too cute, Kate!! :) Just let me know if you need any help with layout or setup or whatever - Rina will attest for my willingness to help ;)

OOHH! I like this place! You've done a great job. ^_^

Thanks, Krissy! I'm pretty sure I don't know where to start when I do try to move over here... lol. I'll see what I can figure out, and I'll let ya know if I need some guidance. *g*

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