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slashy fun and plans

Oh, I can't believe I forgot! I was walking to get my 700 page course pack for Monday's class, and passed the video store. I actually gasped, but managed to contain my squeal. The second poster was for Queer as Folk!!! I can rent the entire season one!!!!! I cannot believe I am going home this weekend! ARGH! LOL I know I'm going to love my play tomorrow night, but I could have had a QaF marathon tomorrow and then watched the Xena one on Sunday. How annoying is that? LOL And then next weekend, I have to come back up with Kate to get nsync tickets. And depending on when we come back after that, I might have plans with Nee to watch anime on Sunday. So I'm having to wait until February 9 to watch. Unless I rent on Sunday when I come back, and watch Monday and Tuesday mornings. Which I could do, except I should have work to do instead. Hmmmm. <.g>

Okay, anyway. LOL What do I have to do today? I have to pack. I have to read for Monday's classes. I have to review this week's 376 notes. I have to watch nsync on Clueless. LOL Is that really it? I keep thinking I'm missing something rather important. Hopefully it'll come to me!

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