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Kate and I did a

Kate and I did a lot of our nsync things last night...listened to the CD, watched Making the Tour and Live from Madison Square Garden. We were up until 1 with the last one. <.g> Which led, of course, to nsync dreams. Nothing with them, really, but it was this really weird, involved dream about some guy who had moved into our basement and was ready to kill us to get the whole house to himself, and kept uploading false nsync news to my watch to try and throw me offbalance so I wouldn't come after him. But I just kinda shrugged off whatever he was saying, and dragged Kate and Aarti with me to go after him. I think this is what I get for watching that much nsync and then reading a few chapters of a murder mystery before bed. <.g>

So, with all the nsync stuff and Chili's for dinner, I only got half my reading done. So I need to finish that, run the morning errands (which is why I'm up this early on a Saturday. LOL), and then I'll have the rest of the weekend to write and watch JC and Justin on MMC. <.g> I'm excited. LOL

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