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Whooo, I got an interview!!

Whooo, I got an interview!! For the language producation lab research assistant. I'm really excited. I just have to find Beckman. <.giggle>

TRL showed nsync's Chili's commericals. We were laughing SO HARD! LOL I loved JC with the Australian accent, and giggling as he had to contort his arm to keep the bug on camera. <.g> Also cute was Justin taking over the song, and Chris throwing his earphones down and looking ready to strangle him before storming out. And then take two, where Justin got SO into the song that he grabbed JC's shirt and yanked him right up into his face to sing to, while Joey had to drape himself over JC to extricate him. <.giggle> It was just too adorable and silly for words.

Now back to reading. LOL

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