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My mom is SUCH a

My mom is SUCH a cute closet nsync fan. Like on Friday, we were just driving down the road from Josh's SLP session, with Sesame Street Fire Safety playing, not talking at all, and she suddenly comes out with "So, Chris went to college?" I'm thinking, "Chris? Christine? Kristine? Do I know other Chris's?" So I ask her who she's talking about and it is, of course, Chris Kirkpatrick. LOL Then on Wednesday, after drinking a bit, she informed me quite seriously that Justin is her favorite, because he's the best singer and dancer. AHHH! LOL I asked her again when she was sober and her answer stayed the same. And then, today over breakfast, she was telling me excitedly about the MADTV spoof of them she watched last night. I MUST get a hold of this! It sounds hysterical...Lance had his Hollywood grin on 24/7...his expression never changed. He's at war, holding a dying soldier with a grin, "Don't die, mister! Don't die." LOL Justin was played by a girl, she couldn't rememeber what Joey did, and I forgot Chris and JC. LOL But it sounded SO funny!

Daddy and I hit Border's today, where I spent my gift card, to my mother's dismay. She was like, "Why didn't you let him buy it? You were supposed to save it!" Well, coulda told me that. Oh, well. I got a Joshua Redman CD, the new Yo-Yo Ma, two new mysteries, and this hysterical book called "Diary of a Mad Bride" which is much in the style of Bridget Jones. Kate, you should borrow this! You would love it. <.g> We got mom the West Wing book, which we both totally pored over. Loved it, loved it, loved it.

Hmmm, not much to say. Kristine, I hope you feel better, and Kate, I'm glad you're back! {{HUGS}} to you both.

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