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Wow. Gotta love timing. Here

Wow. Gotta love timing. Here I was sitting down to type about what a pathetic writer I am, and how every idea I've come up with sucks. Then I check my mail and my only new message is from a girl who read When Angels Cry and said it was the best Willow story she'd ever read. LOL So now I'm grinning and happy...and still convinced I'm going to fail this class. But at least some people like my stuff. <.g>

He's talked about genre writing...romance, mystery, sci-fi...and how we're focusing on literary. Well, uh, I can only seem to write romance. LOL Jess told me that last year, and she's absolutely right...I have big problems writing about two people if there's no UST in there. So I'm trying to write a story, and I'm so stuck because I don't want it to be stupid and pointless. Basically, I have this woman who gets killed suddenly and has a chance to go back and tie up some loose ends. What loose ends? No clue. <.g> See the problem? Kate and I were talking, and I kinda like the idea that she goes back to say goodbye and help her friend Scott, who blames himself for her death. Possibly because she was going somewhere or doing something for him, or to see him, and wouldn't have been there otherwise. Does that sound really stupid? Any ideas on what she could do, or anything?

I think what I have to do is just kinda keep considering the options and not write yet. That's how I usually write, but I'm not usually on a time schedule. LOL I need to figure out why she's there and what she does, and then I can go back and fill in the dots as I write. Help is gladly accepted. <.g>

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